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Product care

Use our expert guide to make your products shine

Wash down often

Rinsing the surface thoroughly encourages dirt and grime to be washed away which prevents hardening

Use a PH balanced cleaner

Use a non acidic PH balanced dishwashing detergent with a soft microfibre cloth to wash the surface

Towel dry

Water from tapware contains trace elements of calcium and magnesium which are left behind from air drying alone

PH balanced glass cleaner

Using a PH balanced glass cleaner on the dry surface can provide an added shine

Acidic sprays and cleaners

Avoiding any acidic or non PH balanced cleaners or sprays will protect the surface from dulling

Abrasive kitchen sponges

Microfibre cleaning cloths provide a safer alternative to abrasive kitchen sponges

Fruit juices

Allowing fruit juices or other acidic liquids to pool on the surface can cause harm if left unattended

Remove sponges

Harm can avoided by removing any soaked kitchen sponges with acidic residue from the surface

Stainless steel cleaners

Steel cleaners can be abrasive and should be avoided on coloured sinks